NO-BAKE Valentine Snacks For February!

As much as I love baking, I’m always in a rush just as much as the next guy! Here’s some of my favorite & easy Valentine themed snacks!


Get yourself a couple of these super CUTE bowls for easy healthy Valentine snacking! Ingredients? Blueberries and Strawberries! How simple is that! {^Shoutout to for that idea!}


Ah yes my all time favorite, and one of the cutest snacks ever! Here’s your quick recipe: Heat up either white or dark chocolate in a saucepan over the stove. Once liquidized drizzle the chocolate over some salty pretzels. Then add different Valentine sprinkles!


Get a good ‘ol fashioned platter going with a cupcake tray! And it’s red themed! Perfect for a party or for snacking on a February Weekend! List of RED Ingredients from Left to Right: Apples, Cherries, Almonds, Radish, Raspberries, Red Bell Pepper, Cranberry Raisins, Watermelon, Pomegranates, Tomatoes, Grapes, & Strawberries.


The best for last! Valentine Trail Mix! Add all these lovely ingredients together to form the best Valentine Themed food yet! Ingredients: Red and Pink M’n’Ms, Pink Frosting Drizzled Pretzels, Popcorn, Chex, and don’t forget Sprinkles!